Unlock sustainability and savings benefits
Improved energy efficiency is the essence of an effective carbon emissions reduction strategy, while also providing benefits related to long-term energy cost reduction and facility improvements.

Energy Efficiency and Technology
It starts here.
Organizations recognize that there are substantial efficiencies and savings to be gained when it comes to energy consumption at their facilities. However, internal inertia most often seems to prevent them from realizing the many benefits of energy efficiency gains. This usually arises from a lack of effective efficiency program structures – structures that are designed to overcome internal inertia and enable the identification, screening, evaluation, selection, and execution of viable energy efficiency projects.
OnSite Partners can help organizations overcome this inertia that inhibits efficiency gains by instituting and operating a rigorous and complete Energy Efficiency Program Management Framework, thus unlocking sustainability and cost savings benefits from reduced energy consumption. The development and application of this Framework can ensure that organizations fully realize energy savings potential within their facilities.
Setting you up for success
Our effective Energy Efficiency Program Management Framework contains five key components:

Establishing of objectives and commitments
Our experts will work with you to establish objectives and develop a site prioritization plan based on your decarbonization goals, customer requirements/commitments, ownership/lease length of facilities, current rates, energy usage and completed energy efficiency upgrades. Established commitments will provide support for agents to push through resistance that is distributed throughout the organization, minimizing opportunities for inertia to block progress.

Development of a project evaluation framework
We develop a consistent and standardized project evaluation framework to enable effective and efficient decision making on potential energy efficiency measures at the prioritized sites. These frameworks will include specifics around how each project will be evaluated, including assessment of savings, incentives, financial investment, and long-term benefits. By establishing frameworks in advance of execution of initiatives through a thoughtful, deliberative process that engages stakeholders across the spectrum; high-value, balanced criteria and measures can be applied, and downstream buy-in and objection avoidance can be optimized.

Establishment of agency, authority and organization structures to support the energy efficiency program
Our team will work with your organization’s management and internal stakeholders to establish clear responsibilities and a decision-making authority for the execution of projects. This will include getting support from site leaders and facility owners, as well as all key stakeholders in your organization.

Accountability through transparent reporting and evaluation
Our energy experts will institute a comprehensive measurement, reporting and evaluation framework, which will help achieve accountability and track progress towards established objectives. This will also include setting up of structures for periodic reporting on and evaluation of overall performance and progress, and making adjustments to strategy based on results and updated environment.

Implementation of prioritized energy efficiency measures
We will provide a turnkey solution for implementation of the selected measures across your facilities through selection, vetting and project management of contractors. This will also include arranging for financing to fund the projects.